For this project, begin with a sheet of watercolor paper or heavy cardstock. Next practice drawing some iconic clouds on scratch paper. When you are happy with your design, draw three or four or five clouds in pencil lightly on the watercolor paper. Be sure to overlap the clouds a bit. Trace the clouds with a black Sharpee. Once your clouds are established in the sky, use your Sharpee to make textural designs by echoing the curves with repetitive lines. Then it will be time for you to use your Sharpee to make little raindrops fall. This is a terrific opportunity to practice patience, one tiny raindrop at a time.
At last it is time to add some color to your clouds. Choose three watercolor blues and washright over the Sharpee cloud.
Sit back, enjoy your art, and stay tuned. You know that they say, "April Showers bring May Flowers!"
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